There are, as I have stated many times, so many tools out there for us FPL managers. Here on All About FPL you can find reviews of some of them but not all.
This blog is to give you a quick overview of where to go in the following categories;
- Live Scores
- Planning
- Price Changes
- Analysis – players and teams
- Analysis – FPL managers
There will be a quick overview and a more detailed overview as there are so many sub categories. But first a little about the categories incl. some of the most important tools.
Live (Rank and Scores)
Self explanatory really, but with a twist. There’s live follow up on the games, on your points, on your live rank and the various leagues you participate in. Some of us play for the overall rank but for me personally it is more important to win the mini-league with my mates. (We support different teams and the winner gets to decide which yearly match we go and see…I desperately want to see the new Tottenham Stadium…). So live scores are for some more important than the match and refreshing the sites is what it is all about
Live Rank:
- LiveFPL (@livefplnet) – a full range live rank/score service
- PremierFantasyTools (@premierFPLTools) – live rank and very precise
- LiveFPLTables (@LiveFPLTables) – live rank also for H2H leagues
- FPLGameweek (@fplgameweek) – live rank, league scores and impact from player scores
- FantasyFootballFix (@fix_optibot) – live rank incl. scores and actions from all matches
- Foomnianalytics (@foomnianalytics) – live action and score
- FPLOptimized (@sertalpbilal) – during the gameweek you see how you are doing
Special mention to Playmaker (@GetPlaymaker) – not a website but a must have app. If you wanna stay on Twitter only and don’t get scores and point etc. from the ones you follow, check out @FPLStatus.
Live Scores:
Apart from the sites with live rank – you can follow scores on e.g.
- AllAboutFPL (yes here)
- FPL Alerts (@fpl_alerts)
- WhoScored (@whoscored)
Some make their planning on small pieces of paper and some use excel sheets they ‘code’ from scratch. But seriously there are many tools out there providing some cool overviews to use when tinkering and looking ahead. Some of the tools even provides predictions of individual player scores – but football is rather unpredictable. There are also various FDR tools giving the quick overview of the fixtures ahead. In the twitter-verse you will also find accounts with their own FDRs and of course Ben Crellin (@BenCrellin) with his BGW/DGW tool (a must follow).
The Planning sites are different in many ways but all offer a great way to look some GW’s ahead, for fixture swings, BGWs and DGW’s.
- PremierFantasyTools (@premierFPLTools) – A detailed planner with FDR ratings from 1-20
- FPL Review (@FPLReview) – great graphics and includes score prediction for 5GWs
- LiveFPL (@LiveFPLnet) – cool transfer planner showing all your planned transfers
- FPLPlanner (@FPLPlanner) – cut to the bone fast and easy overview
- FPLToolsChrome (fpltoolschrome) – plug in used in chrome showing next 5 fixtures
- Jumpers For Goalposts (@fpl_Elstatto) – An excel planner created by @FPL_Pup can be downloaded
- FPLTeam (@_fplteam) – look and feel like the official site (new tool)
- FantasyFootballFix (@fix_optibot) – planner incl. predictions and recommendations for next 5 GW
- Foomni (@Foomnianalytics) – the planner is paid content but there are other input to planning for free on the site
Fantasy Overlord (@Foverlord) is also a player in planning with player point predictions.
If you prefer to stay on Twitter you can follow @FPL_Salah who posts the bookies odd for scores and clean sheets.
FDR overview
- Football Fallout (@footballfallout) – FDR for your choice of number of GW’s incl. form data (ranked)
- FPL Analytics (@fplanalytics) – FDR going forward (including the ones not planned yet)
- FPLOptimized (@sertalpbilal) – FDR in various color schemes and many filter options
Price Changes
What happens in FPL towers is rather mysterious and the price changes are hard to predict – but nevertheless there are tools that gives overview of the transfer activity and try to calculate rise and falls – and other tools simply report the rises and falls.
Price Change Predictions
To my knowledge we only have two of these available… and remember not to blame them if/when they get it wrong. FPL Towers is a bit unpredictable here
- FPL Statistics (@fpl_statistics) – Great overview easy to filter and sort
- FantasyFootballFix (@fix_optibot) – Different layout but still a great look and feel
There are also an account like @fplAnalytics who autoposts top-5 sold/bought players every hour. A fine way to spot the trends.
Price Change Reports
Apart from the predictors that of course also show historical changes
- LiveFPL (@LiveFPLnet) – showing ups and downs also historically
- FootballFallout (@footballfallout) – Information available
- FPLAnalytics (@fplAnalytics) – the account mentioned above also show the actual changes
If you just want a Twitter account to follow then @FPLSilentBats posts changes every morning and so do @FPLStatus.
Analysis – Players and Teams
xG, xA, x-whatever there are many stats to look at, and luckily we do not have to record every match and action but have the info at hand. So much to choose from. Most of the sites mentioned above have data for analysis so this is just two additional…
Player and Team Analysis
- FPLBatata (@fplbatata) – very quick and thorough head-2-head between two players
- FoomniAnalytics (@foomnianalytics) – quick comparison incl. relative score predictions
Analysis – FPL Managers
Have you ever wondered about your own playing style? How many different players you used – hits taken etc. etc. At least at season end it can be educational to take a look – and of course there are also tools for that.
- FantasyPremierTools (@FantasyFPLTools) – it’s all here, Captains, GK picks, bench, transfers, formations, all players used etc. etc.
- Fantasy Nutmeg (@fpl_nutmeg) – a great overview of your season, best gameweek, your transfer timing and more (also player comparison)
- Anewpla ( – also a site for you to get an objective look on your season. I don’t know the twitter handle
Not really a category in it self but some sites are so specialized that they become their own category. For the overviews here, I have added Injury news (do follow @BenDinnery) and marked whether the tools also offer articles…If you are reading this you are already on a site with articles
These where the highlights. Below there are some tables that require some scrolling, but hopefully you have found something you can use in your FPL’ing going forward.
Quick Overview
Detailed overview
I may have missed some and tools keep on popping up and sadly some also disappear. I will try to keep this overview updated, so if you find some is missing please drop me a note.
Enjoy the #FPL tinkering