This blog is part of a series of posts on the Best FPL tools that are available for FPL Managers. The series is written by popular FPL Community figure, FPL Tool collector. You can follow him on twitter@or_fail.
Don’t you just hate to wait for your game week score? Isn’t it just tedious to open all the teams from your Mini-League competitors? And what is the average score? I bet you also appreciate the tools that give you that information fast and reliable.
One of the newer players is FPL Gameweek (@fplgameweek) and they have an ambitious target;
“This site aims to be the only site you need to visit when the fpl matches are playing.
It keeps track of your team and the other teams in your mini-leagues.
You can see which players you should hope to do well and which ones you should hope to fail”

So what do you do on FPL Gameweek?
It is rather easy. You enter your team ID or your Team name. Note that there are easy guides available for this if you don’t know this.
Note: There’s a cool feature on the homepage of the site. Where you can demo the site as the FPL winner last season, Joshua Bull. The site also doesn’t take any login id or password. Just your team name or team id and you’re ready for action!
Then press “Let’s Go” and you then have to select which Mini League you want to check in on.
This is worth noting as the league tracking is the core of this site.
And what I believe is unique to this site is that you can track H2H leagues.

Looking at the leagues on the FPL Gameweek website:
For the purpose of this review, I decided to go with FPL Zoo Qualification. Slightly biased here as I host a tournament for 100 #FPL Animals Twitter Accounts 🙂 Bear with me!
First there is a load of the league. It takes 5-10 seconds depending on league size. It is in my view, well worth the wait.
FPL Gameweek then presents you with the 4 columns
- League overview
- Your Team
- An opponents team (select from the dropdown)
- Live Feed/Event column
…and then you can just start clicking away.
League Overview on FPL Gameweek
The top 50 teams from your league is shown and in the dropdown in the top you can select a variety of views on your leagues – depending on how complex you want to see data. You can also select chip statistics and other views. Personally I am happy with just seeing the basic scores – but up to you.
By selecting the settings icon you can also adjust the number of teams you are seeing.
Your Team
Your team score is updated live and do note the (?) where you find more info. A nice feature is the Importance score that is calculated – not globally but vs. the league, you are checking. This gives a good indicator of which players you should really cheer on. So many captained KDB in GW4 so it would hurt me in this league if he hauled. And as we remember – he didn’t.
Beneath your own team, there is a listing of the players owned by others in the league that impacts you the most. Obviously, these are the players that should be replaced at half time if the real-life managers knew what they were doing!
At present, though they seem to have problems calculating your GW rank and expected rank – so for that you need other tools (for now).
Opponents Team
Basically the same as your own team. Same types of info – but with the little neat feature that you can send them a link to the site opening on the league. Try it out – give a mate a nice surprise if they don’t know about live tools.
Live Feed on FPL
The last element on the screen is the Live Feed and here you get highlights. Also here you can configure and decide the level of detail you want to see.
Small smileys help you identify the nature of the news.
Conclusion on FPL Gameweek Tool:

At you find a solid tool for following your game week with your rivals in the MiniLeagues.
They provide a good overview and to me also an appealing interface.
Compared to other tools I also have my own team and rank together with the League scores which is very appealing to me.
And the killer for me personally is that this is the only place I have found a live tool for an H2H league and as host for the FPL Zoo – that is a must-have.
All in all – I like it 🙂
This blog is written by popular FPL Community figure, FPL Tool collector. You can follow him on Twitter @or_fail
Over the next period, he’ll be more publishing more blogs on various planner tools.
Loving the FPL tools series from us? Check out the other tools in this series:
FPL Tools: All That You Need to Know About FPL Planner
FPL Tools Series: All About Premier FPL Tools
FPL Tools Series: Best Chrome Plugin – FPL Tools Chrome
FPL Tools: All That You Need to Know About FPL Review
Further reads from ALLABOUTFPL for FPL Managers:
All that you need to know about FPL cup
History Of Fantasy Football And Origin Of FPL

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FPL Tool Collector
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